Module MCP2515

The MCP2515 is a stand-alone CAN (Controller Area Network) controller developed by Microchip Technology. It is widely used in automotive and industrial applications for communication between microcontrollers or other devices on a CAN bus.


Configuration mode

Normal mode

LoopBack mode




Can interrupt when

  1. Transmit request completed

  2. Frame is received in RX FIFO0

  3. Frame is received in RX FIFO1

  4. During CAN status change or Error


Four interrupt vectors are dedicated to bxcan

Filter Bank

Mask mode


Ex: Accept frame only if first 3 msbs of the standard identifier are 1s


Ex: Accept only Request frames


Ex: Accept only Extended id frames


Ex: Accept all frames


List/ID mode

Ex: Accept fgrame only if standard identifier value exactly = 0x65D or 0x651



If filter is disable, there will be no message in FIFO.