

This installation for Ubuntu

sudo apt install wireguard

sudo apt install openresolv

lab209_riscv is a config file

Use sudo cp -r command to copy lab209_riscv.conf to /etc/wiregaurd/

To open wiregaurd use the command below

wg-quick up lab209_riscv

To quit wiregaurd use the command below

wg-quick down lab209_riscv


  • If you cannot connect to server, change AllowedIPs =, then restart wiregaurd. Change domain vlsi.doelab.site to

  • If you accidentally copy wrong config file to /etc/wiregaurd/, just uninstall wireguard, then use sudo -i to direct to /etc/ and delete all wiregaurd name. After that reinstall wiregaurd and copy config file again.

Uninstallation wiregaurd

sudo apt remove wireguard

sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt autoremove

Change password

  1. Open remmina and connect to server.

  2. Open terminal (Ubuntu/Centos7).

  3. Invoke command passwd.

  4. Type your current password and new password.

  5. Disconnect server, go to edit and type your new passoword, then reconnect to server.


Ubuntu version

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:remmina-ppa-team/remmina-next

sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-rdp remmina-plugin-secret


When in Remote connection profile, set resolution to client to get the best view.


[1]. Wiregaurd

[2]. Remmina installation