
Working space Stage area and git local


For Ubuntu

sudo apt install git



If first time use github, you must commands below

git config --global "John"

git config --global user.mail ""

git config credential.helper store # to store user name and password to your computer

Write access to repository not granted. fatal: unable to access

Visit this link stackoverflow

Initiate git local

git init


If you mistakenly use git init in wrong the folder, then on Windows, you can invoke

dir /a

to find .git file. Then delete it with

rmdir /s /q .git

Git ignore

Git will not ignore files/folders that have already been tracked, even if they have been added to .gitignore

You have to remove files/folders from Git’s tracking status, here i will remove folder Debug:

git rm -r --cached Debug

Then, commit the changes, and Git will ignore the Debug folder according to the .gitignore.

Add all file to local

git add .

Commit code to local

git commit -m "message"

Push code to branch

Push code to branch master of remote repository, later then just use git push

git push -u origin master

Update code from branch to local

Update code from branch master to local

git pull origin master

Change to another version (version: code committed to git remote)

git checkout <commit_id>

Create a new branch and move to it (-b: create a new branch)

git checkout -b <branch_name>

Merge a branch to master

git merge <branch_name>

List branch

git branch -a

Assumed you committed c1 c2 c3 c4 c5. If you use the command below, then we will return to c2, code in c3 c4 c5 will be deleted (as never exist)

git reset --hard <id_c2>

Force to push code to remote due to difference in commit history (not recommend)

git push -f

Show id commit

git log

Return to a commit in history

git revert <id_commit>

Git clone

If you don’t need the entire commit history, you can perform a shallow clone, which only fetches the latest state of the repository. Use the –depth option:

git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1

Recover code from git repository

If you want to change current code and recover it from git repository

git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/<branch-name>