Cooja Plugin
Mobility Plugin
You can download mobility plugin from this URL
Open your terminal and invoke command below to create mobility
cd contiki/tools/cooja/apps
mkdir mobility
Download all file from above URL and move them to mobility
Add includeantruntime="false"
next to debug="on"
<javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}" debug="on" >
<pathelement path="."/>
<pathelement location="${cooja_jar}"/>
Buid plugin
Navigate to mobility
cd contiki/tools/apps/mobility
sudo ant jar
Enable plugin in Cooja
Start Cooja
cd contiki/cooja
sudo ant run
Then go to Setting
and External tools paths
. This field is used to add path of downloaded plugin.
Go to the end of this field and add ;
, then add your mobility
path to it like this
Then close and reopen Cooja again. Go to Settings
and Cooja Extensions
. Find your mobility path, click it and click Apply for session
Now go to Tools
and you can find mobility
plugin in it.
First, you have to open cooja and create a new simulation.
Then go to Tools
and choose mobility
. It will appear an window to parsing position.dat
You can change content position.dat
for more nodes.