Task 1
If we change define N with 350. The checksum and the result will not be correct due to the limited range of data type unsigned char
, just 0-255.
So we must change the data type of array to unsigned int
to have better range.
* Copyright (C) 2021 University of Bologna
* All rights reserved.
* This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
* of the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
* Authors: Manuele Rusci UniBO (
* Lorenzo Lamberti UniBO (
#include "pmsis.h"
#define N 350 // array size
unsigned int array_1[N]; // define array of size N. [important note]: "char" data type means its elements are 8 bit! (range from 0 to 255)
// intialize an array A_ar with _size_ number of elements
// and precompute the result (we use this as a checksum)
int init_array(unsigned int *A_ar, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
A_ar[i] = i + 1; // this can be changed to whatever pattern
return (size * (size + 1)) >> 1; // this computes the sum as the vector_sum() function. only needed as a checksum.
// print array elements
void print_array(unsigned int *A_ar, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", A_ar[i]); // print array element
// return the index of the item==element of the array A_ar with size number of elements
int vector_sum(unsigned int *A_ar, int size)
int sum = 0; // initialize accumulator to 0
// perform the sum
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
sum += A_ar[i];
return sum;
int main()
printf("This example program computes the sum of %d integer numbers!\n", N);
// initialize the array and get the expected result
int expected_result = init_array(array_1, N);
// inspect the array. let's print its values !
print_array(array_1, N);
// call the vector_sum function
int computed_result = vector_sum(array_1, N);
// check if the results is correct
if (computed_result == expected_result)
printf("Result is correct. Got %d\n", computed_result);
printf("Result is not correct. Got %d instead of %d\n", computed_result, expected_result);
Task 2
Code in task 2 performs maxtrix-vector multiplication and measures its performance using performance counter on the PULP platform.
* Copyright (C) 2022 University of Bologna
* All rights reserved.
* This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
* of the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
* Authors: Manuele Rusci UniBO (
* Lorenzo Lamberti UniBO (
#include "pmsis.h"
#include "stdbool.h" // to use "bool" data type
/* defines */
#define N 50 // the matrix size is NxM, and the vector size is M.
#define M 50
#define MAT_EL (2) // matrix constant values
#define VEC_EL (4) // vector constant values
int mac_counter = 0;
/* Allocation of IO variables into L2 memory */
// input variables
PI_L2 int matrix[N * M]; // the matrix as an array of size N*M
PI_L2 int vector[M]; // the vector as an array of size M
// output variable
PI_L2 int output_vec[N]; // N*M x M*1 -> N*1
/* Note: PI_L2 is an attribute for "forcing" allocation in L2 memory.
Ref: /pulp/pulp-sdk/rtos/pulpos/common/include/pos/data/data.h:54: */
void start_perf_counter()
// enable the perf counter of interest
pi_perf_conf(1 << PI_PERF_CYCLES /*YOUR_CODE_HERE*/ | // count cycles
1 << PI_PERF_INSTR /*YOUR_CODE_HERE*/); // count instructions
// reset the perf counters
// start the perf counter
void stop_perf_counter()
// stop the perf counter
// collect and print statistics
uint32_t cycles_counter = pi_perf_read(PI_PERF_CYCLES);
uint32_t instr_counter = pi_perf_read(PI_PERF_INSTR);
TASK 2.2
- How many MAC operations are needed for the gemv
- MACs/Cycles
- Instructions/Cycles
- Instructions/ MACs
// N° Multiply Accumulate Operations (MACs)
/* already done with task 2.1. use the mac_counter global variable */
// CPI = cycles / n°instructions_executed
float cpi = cycles_counter / instr_counter; /* YOUR CODE HERE*/
// MAC/Cycles
float mac_on_cycles = (N * M) / cycles_counter; /* YOUR CODE HERE*/
// Instructions/Cycles
float instructions_on_cycles = instr_counter / cycles_counter; /* YOUR CODE HERE*/
// Instructions/MAC
float instructions_on_mac = instr_counter / (N * M); /* YOUR CODE HERE*/
// print results
printf("--- Performances ---------\n");
printf("Cycles: %d \n", cycles_counter); // this comes from the performance counter
printf("N° of Intructions: %d\n", instr_counter); // this comes from the performance counter
printf("mac: %d \n", mac_counter); // you must measure this
printf("CPI: %f \n", cpi); // calculate it
printf("Instructions/Cycles: %f \n", instructions_on_cycles); // calculate it
printf("Instructions/MAC: %f \n", instructions_on_mac); // calculate it
// print array elements
void print_array(int *A_ar, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", A_ar[i]); // print array element
/* generic matrix-vector multiplication */
int __attribute__((noinline)) gemv(int size_N, int size_M, int *mat_i, int *vec_i, int *vec_o)
TASK 2.1
- you must count the MAC by increasing a counter in the inner loop of the gemv.
- use the "mac_counter" global variable
mac_counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size_N; i++) // outer looop of the gemv
for (int j = 0; j < size_M; j++) // inner loop of the gemv
// multiply accumulate operation (MAC)
vec_o[i] += mat_i[i * size_M + j] * vec_i[j];
// *(vec_o + i) += *(mat_i + i * M + j) * (*(vec_i + j)); // try to uncomment this and comment the above line. You will notice a speedup in cycles
int main()
// Initialization of operands: matrix
for (int i = 0; i < (N * M); i++)
matrix[i] = MAT_EL;
// Initialization of operands: vector
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
vector[i] = VEC_EL;
// Initialization of the output to 0
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
output_vec[i] = 0;
/* call the GEneric Matrix-Vector (gemv) function */
gemv(N, M, matrix, vector, output_vec);
// print and check the results
printf("\nThe %d output elements are: \n", N);
print_array(output_vec, N);
// check here the results
int correctness = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
if (output_vec[i] != (M * MAT_EL * VEC_EL))
correctness = 0;
printf(correctness ? "\nRESULTS MATCHING: correct\n" : "RESULTS NOT MATCHING: not correct\n");
-01 |
-03 |
-03 HWLoops |
Clock Cycles |
198615 |
186262 |
190599 |
Instr |
71427 |
60329 |
62622 |
2500 |
2500 |
2500 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
Intr/Cycles |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Intr/MAC |
28 |
24 |
25 |