PULP Toolchain and SDK

PULP Toolchain installation

Ubuntu version: 22.04.4

Open new terminal to create new directory:

cd /opt
sudo mkdir riscv_pulp
cd riscv_pulp
sudo mkdir bin

Setup path:

nano ~/.profile


if [ -d "/opt/riscv_pulp" ] ; then

Invoke command below to take effect

source ~/.profile

Open new terminal to install toolchain:


sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev

Follow these steps to install toolchain:

git clone https://github.com/pulp-platform/pulp-riscv-gnu-toolchain

cd pulp-riscv-gnu-toolchain

Then update submodule

git submodule update --init --recursive

Because /opt/riscv/bin is in root, so must use sudo when make

./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv_pulp --with-arch=rv32imc --with-cmodel=medlow --enable-multilib

sudo make

PULP SDK installation

Open new terminal to install pulp-sdk


sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git libftdi-dev libftdi1 doxygen python3-pip libsdl2-dev curl cmake libusb-1.0-0-dev scons gtkwave libsndfile1-dev rsync autoconf automake texinfo libtool pkg-config libsdl2-ttf-dev

Follow these steps:

pip install argcomplete pyelftools

pip install prettytable

Clone pulp SDK :

git clone https://github.com/pulp-platform/pulp-sdk.git

cd pulp-sdk

Then update submodule

git submodule update --init --recursive

Edit file pulp-sdk/configs/pulp-open.sh, put the command below under line 32

export PULP_RISCV_GCC_TOOLCHAIN=/opt/riscv_pulp

Build gvsoc

source configs/pulp-open.sh

make build


Always run command source configs/pulp-open.sh to select board before running or doing anything in pulp-sdk directory

First simple test

Select board and then go to project

cd pulp-sdk

source configs/pulp-open.sh

cd tests/hello

Build project

make clean all run

The last line appear with Hello from FC without any error then you success.


Follow the command below to have gtkwave

make clean all run runner_args="--vcd"

This time view.gtkw with appear in project, as long as all.vcd in BUILD/PULP/GCC_RISCV folder.


Run the code below to see wave

gtkwave /home/ryan/pulp-sdk/tests/hello/BUILD/PULP/GCC_RISCV/all.vcd /home/ryan/pulp-sdk/tests/hello/view.gtkw


To run other project outside pulp-sdk, just move project folder to path pulp-sdk/tests/ and then run.

Riscv GNU toolchain

Ubuntu version: 22.04.4

Open new terminal to create new directory:

cd /opt
sudo mkdir riscv_gnu
cd riscv_gnu
sudo mkdir bin

Setup path:

nano ~/.profile


if [ -d "/opt/riscv_gnu" ] ; then

Invoke command below to take effect

source ~/.profile

Open new terminal to install toolchain:


sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev

Follow these step to install:

git clone https://github.com/pulp-platform/riscv-gnu-toolchain.git

cd riscv-gnu-toolchain

Then update submodule

git submodule update --init --recursive

Because /opt/riscv_gnu/bin is in root, so must use sudo when make

./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv_gnu --with-arch=rv32imfcxpulpv3 --with-abi=ilp32 --enable-multilib

sudo make


[1]. Installation of pulp toolchain

[2]. Installation of pulp sdk

[3]. Installation of riscv gnu toolchain