Error may appear:
Numpy error
Solution: Go to file numbers.py
then edit numpy.float = float
GCC error
((vp::trace *)(trace_ptr))->fatal(msg); : GCC version error - select gcc 9
Installing Multiple GCC Versions
sudo apt install gcc-9 g++-9 gcc-10 g++-10 gcc-11 g++-11 -y
Clone example
Put this example in pulpissimo directory
git clone https://github.com/pulp-platform/pulp-runtime-examples.git
Implement code
Prepare the environments before running any example
source ./pulp-runtime/configs/pulpissimo.sh
source ./env/pulpissimo.sh
source ./pulp-sdk/configs/pulpissimo.sh
source ./pulp-sdk/configs/platform-rtl.sh
source ./pulp-sdk/pkg/sdk/dev/sourceme.sh
source ./pulp-sdk/configs/fpgas/pulpissimo/genesys2.sh
source ./pulp-sdk/sourceme.sh
source setup/vsim.sh
Hello example
make clean all run platform=gvsoc # run code on virtual platform
Uart-send example
make clean all io=uart # build binary file
Generate .vcd
file to see gtkwave
make clean all run platform=gvsoc runner_args=--vcd
Error about runner
Solution: Open vp_runner.py
in path: pulpisisimo/pulp_sdk/pkg/sdk/dev/install/ws/python
copy the whole commands in this vp_runner file and paste to your vp_runner.py
Generate bitstream
Vivado 2023.2 Enterprise (You can check vivado installation instruction).
Following these steps below:
make scripts
in folder pulpissimoInstall Genesys2 board (if haven’t done). Open vivado, select
thenTcl console
. In the console invoke commandxhub::refresh_catalog [xhub::get_xstores xilinx_board_store] xhub::install [xhub::get_xitems]
Then install Genesys2 board by going to
thenVivado store
. Search for Genesys2 and install.Add the line below before:
line 9 pulpissimo/fpga/pulpissimo-genesys2/tcl/run.tcl
line 11 pulpissimo/fpga/pulpissimo-genesys2/tcl/common.tcl
line 21 pulpissimo/fpga/pulpissimo-genesys2/ips/xilinx_clk_mngr/tcl/run.tcl
line 16 pulpissimo/fpga/pulpissimo-genesys2/ips/xilinx_slow_clk_mngr/tcl/run.tcl
set_param board.repoPaths [get_property LOCAL_ROOT_DIR [xhub::get_xstores xilinx_board_store]]
Invoke command in folder
:make genesys2
if you have an error:
ERROR: [Runs 36-527] DCP does not exist: /home/ryan/pulpissimo/fpga/pulpissimo-genesys2/ips/xilinx_slow_clk_mngr/xilinx_slow_clk_mngr.gen/sources_1/ip/xilinx_slow_clk_mngr/xilinx_slow_clk_mngr.dcp
Then go to
and invoke commands:make clean make all
All similar errors can use the solution above.
make genesys2
again and wait until it shows error:ERROR: [Synth 8-9123] an enum variable may only be assigned the same enum typed variable or one of its values [.../pulpissimo/.bender/git/checkouts/pulp_soc-125142425fefd4e5/rtl/pulp_soc/soc_interconnect.sv:277] at synthesis state.
Add line below before line 388 in
MY_CUT = MuxAw | MuxAr | MuxW,
Change line 277 in
toLatencyMode: axi_pkg::MY_CUT,
Run again
make genesys2
The bitstream is generated in
Install Cable Drivers (Linux Only)
Upload bitstream
Open Vivado, then go to
Open Hardware Manager
and open target.Click
Program Device
and select bitstream file.Similarly, select
Program Device
to upload bitstream file.
Debug with openocd
to AllowIPs in your wiregaurd configuration fileOpen remmina and connect to site
with user and password allocated in discordOpen terminal and change directory to
, then invoke command:openocd -f openocd-genesys2.cfg
if an error appear
openocd-genesys2.cfg:38: Error: in procedure 'script' at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 28 at file "openocd-genesys2.cfg", line 38
Solution: Comment line 38 and rerun
Go to
example of pulpissimo folder and build (From now, do on local machine):cd pulp-runtime-examples/periph/uart/send make clean all io=uart
Start RISC-V GDB pointing to your ELF binary:
riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb build/test/test
Then invoke:
For remote board
target extended-remote
For local board:
target remote localhost:3333
Load the binary into PULPissimo’s main memory and start execution:
load continue
Open site
and use eitherHercules
to check the UART output for results.
Ctrl + C
to stopcontinue
to get out of debugging.
Putty installation
Active Universe storage on ubuntu system
sudo add-apt-repository universe
Install putty
sudo apt install putty
Initialize putty
Select Serial
to use serial connection. Then set up port
and baudrate
. Hit open
to run.
If a font error appears, just go to ‘Fonts’ on the left sidebar in PuTTY and configure your font.
How to find Device Dev Path on Linux
Open new terminal and invoke commands below
for sysdevpath in $(find /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb*/ -name dev); do
devname="$(udevadm info -q name -p $syspath)"
[[ "$devname" == "bus/"* ]] && exit
eval "$(udevadm info -q property --export -p $syspath)"
[[ -z "$ID_SERIAL" ]] && exit
echo "/dev/$devname - $ID_SERIAL"
All dev paths will appear:
/dev/ttyACM0 - STMicroelectronics_STM32_STLink_0668FF485157717867163038
/dev/sda - MBED_microcontroller_0668FF485157717867163038-0:0
/dev/input/event13 - SONIX_M87_keyboard
/dev/input/event16 - SONIX_M87_keyboard
/dev/input/event14 - SONIX_M87_keyboard
/dev/input/event12 - SONIX_M87_keyboard
/dev/input/event15 - SONIX_M87_keyboard
/dev/input/mouse3 - SONIX_M87_keyboard
/dev/input/event11 - SONIX_M87_keyboard
/dev/input/event7 - Logitech_USB_Receiver
/dev/input/mouse2 - Logitech_USB_Receiver
/dev/video3 - Azurewave_USB2.0_HD_IR_UVC_WebCam_200901010001
/dev/video2 - Azurewave_USB2.0_HD_IR_UVC_WebCam_200901010001
/dev/video1 - Azurewave_USB2.0_HD_IR_UVC_WebCam_200901010001
/dev/video0 - Azurewave_USB2.0_HD_IR_UVC_WebCam_200901010001
[1]. PULPissimo_Gen2_Setup_Guide